Earlier this week, Sassy came home with some homework that she couldn't wait to do. (Wonder how long that attitude will last. . . ) Unfortunately, the excitement soon turned to tears as my mini-me tried in vain to fix her poster. "It's horrible!" she cried, trying to color over pictures, and then erasing, and then crying some more. There was little I could say--I know her pain all too well. I've wasted too many hours trying to get everything "perfect," essentially always chasing something that can never be. It's exhausting. I hate to see her being so hard on herself. I'm by far my worst critic, and I know firsthand that it's hard to quiet that inner voice even when your mommy is telling you how great your poster is. So I went to bed with a heavy heart. How did I manage to pass this on to her?! Of course, then I look at Stinkus and have to wonder again about the nature thing. . . ha! Maybe firstborn kiddos are always like this?
And then we had soccer last night. I was a little nervous considering the meltdown the night before. Soccer is a whole new ballgame--pardon the pun--and I just wasn't sure how she'd handle it. Well, I soon learned that (as usual) I worried for nothing. Sassy was a soccer rock star! She scored two goals, but that was far from the best part. My little girl was right in the middle of the action, kicking the ball and moving it down the field with a confidence that made my heart swell. She wasn't afraid to get in there and take charge--without being rude or aggressive though. She was just HAPPY. It was amazing to see her out there. She was SO excited--cheering on her teammates, getting the ball, loving life. It was hard to believe that she was the same little girl upset over her homework. I was so proud of her.
Her first words off the field: "I scored two scores and I fell down four times! But I'm O.K!" One of the things I'm trying to learn as a mommy is that there are going to be lots of heartaches that I can't fix. Lots of messed-up posters and tears. And it might be harder on MY heart to see that. But after her soccer debut, I realized that it's O.K. if she falls down. The Sassy we're raising will jump back up, brush off the grass, and get back in the game. And that's exactly what I want for her.
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