1. "Of course!" Me: Can I have a hug? Ke, formerly known as Stinkus: "Of course you can!" Me: Did you clean your room by yourself? Ke: "Of course I did!" And of COURSE, she doesn't quite say "course" correctly so it's even cuter.
2. I think we're in trouble with a boy-CRAZY girl. She came home from daycare one day and told us she was marrying Carson. Which was the first time I'd ever heard of anyone named Carson. "Who's Carson?" I asked. "He told me I booooo-ti-ful. . . " she answered, batting her eyelashes and flipping her hair. She was literally beaming, and enjoying it a little too much. She decided last summer that she was going to marry her friend Will, despite his very obvious refusal. I think there were even some tears shed: "Her said she's going to marry me!" Insert tears here. The girl's not taking no for an answer! Another night she revealed at dinner that she tried to kiss Alexander today but (pouting) "Hims got away." Mothers with small boys, lock them up NOW.
3. So far, she's NOT outgrowing the "Hold me, hold me, hold me. . . ." Which has become "Homa me" for some reason. . . Somedays I'm grateful for the extra loves, and somedays I'm trying not to pull my hair out. As independent and fiery as this one is, I've said since she was tiny that she'd crawl back inside if she could. :)
4. A few nights ago, I heard something that I thought wouldn't happen for about ten more years. An angry, tearful daughter stormed out of the kitchen and stomped to her room, yelling, "Dis is the worst night EVER!" Big dramatic pause. "And you is da worst mudder EVER!"
A little back story. My family is guilty of underestimating the amount of time we have in the evenings. I leave work, all geared up to 1) fold the heaping baskets of laundry that have become decor in my living areas, 2) sweep up the never-ending crumbs under the bar from breakfast (and on more days than I want to admit, clean up the breakfast dishes ON the bar. . .), 3) whip up a fabulous, homemade meal that everyone will LOVE and eat and not pick through to see exactly what ingredients I used and try to find a few lone bites that are acceptable and not contaminated by anything gross. Unfortunately, I get home and my couch beckons me and my "To-Do" list becomes a little shorter. You know, we can just dig through those clothes to find outfits--it's like having a dresser in the dining room. . . And there will just be more crumbs tomorrow. Plus it's almost dark. If I just turn on one lamp in here, I can't even see them!
Anyway, my girls have inherited my ambitions. . . as well as the lack of follow-through. . . . That night, Sassy planned to organize her desk. She even said, "I just LOVE organizing things!" Hello, little apple from my tree! She started, but let's just say, it still needs a lot of organizing. Ke decided she wanted to do Play Doh--and watch a movie. I despise Play Doh. I like that it keeps them entertained, and it IS fun, especially with the cool molds and accessories that they have. But clean up makes me want to scream. It crumbles and flakes and then they step on it and track it all over the house (which adds to the crumbs I still need to clean up) and then it's all smushed into their socks (which just makes laundry worse). So after that, dinner was late and it was a bath night so we were pressed for time. Ke decided it was time to play beauty shop, despite my reminders that we needed to get in the bath. By the time they decided to listen, it was way too late for a movie. Cut to door slamming above.
So I convince her that the next night is Friday, we don't have to take baths or go to bed early, and we can watch a ton of movies. "Oh but wait," I say, "The worst mother in the world would NEVER do movie night. . . And I'm the worst mother ever. . . "
"Wellll. . . ." she answers sheepishly and I'm totally ready for her to sing my praises and thank me for almost four years of maternal blood, sweat and tears. "You just da worst mudder today. Maybe to-mah-whoa you be a better mudder." Oh, lovey. You're always going to keep me on my toes, aren't you?
5. Today as I'm finishing up lunch, I hear a very urgent: "Mom! I pooped!" and she didn't come and announce to the world that she needed to beforehand. Hence my panicked reply: "On the toilet?"
"No. . . ." Oh fabulous. . . "IN the toilet!"
Oh this girlie makes me laugh. And grow gray hair.
The toilet debacle...
6 years ago